Monday, December 7, 2009

Feeding time

The morning started dry and was pleasant enough to eat outside.  Whilst having lunch a yellow lady bird landed on me.  Thos is a sign of how mild the autumn has been if things like this are still awake and active.  Though this did not last and after lunch the heavens opened and a prolonged downpour ensued.

loaded trailer awaiting emptying

The day started with me showing one of the new deal workers how to go about feeding the birds in front of the activity centre hide.  Though the task its self is as simple as putting peanuts and seed out on feeding platforms and on the ground there are also holes drilled into the support legs that fat balls are rubbed into, as well as the etiquette of first checking the hide for visitors before walking in front and possibly scaring off a sighting.

Log pile awaiting to be chipped for path laying

The task for the reminder of the day was taking down a few willow trees and then loading the branches into the back of the tractor trailer and taking back to the compound for chipping later.  The smaller twiggy branches were piled up to rot close to where the trees were felled.
A couple of branches and a few trees also came down near to the activity centre as they were in a position that was making it difficult to get the tractor though.

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